
Hate speech against journalist Rid Berisha, Prishtinë, 08.07.2024

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is deeply concerned about recent online posts targeting journalist Rid Berisha from

Berisha has reported to AJK that an employee of the Islamic Community of Kosovo has used hateful language towards him and encouraged others to make derogatory comments, along with posting multiple photos of Berisha in connection with the attacks on October 7 in Israel.

AJK strongly condemns any form of verbal abuse or threats directed towards journalists.

We urge the Islamic Community of Kosovo to publicly denounce the use of language that promotes religious intolerance in Kosovo.

Reporter Details Hate speech against journalist Rid Berisha, Prishtinë, 08.07.2024
Case description Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës i ka përcjellur me shqetësim disa postime online që kanë targetuar gazetarin, Rid Berisha, nga    Berisha e ka njoftuar AGK-në, se një punonjës i Bashkësisë Islame të Kosovës, ka shkruar me gjuhë të urrejtjes ndaj tij dhe ka nxitur edhe të tjera komente kundër, duke bashkuar disa foto të Berishës, duke bërë homazhe për sulmet e 7 tetorit në Izrael.  
State Kosovo
Name and Surname Rid Berisha
Gender Male
Date 8.7.2024
City Prishtinë
Type of Incident Other threats to journalists
From who By public persons
The Offender / Suspect Enes Limani
Type of media Online
Media Name
Source Facebook
Public Prosecutor
Judiciary Status
Legal Closure
Has the Journalist Association been notified? Yes
Has the incident been reported to the authorities?
Has the incident been reported to the XXX?
Associations Respond Për AGK-në, gjuha fyese dhe linçuese ndaj gazetarëve është e papranueshme.     AGK-ja, e fton Bashkësinë Islame të Kosovës të distancohet nga gjuha që fton për mos durim fetar në Kosovë.
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