This guideline provides a framework for responsible reporting on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) based on the findings and recommendations from training on the same topic. Its goal is…
Read MoreThese guidelines for journalists on health reporting have been developed as a result of a two-day workshop with journalists on ethical health reporting, organized as an integral…
Read More“Media Mapping in Kosovo and North Macedonia” is a project that will serve both policymakers and the journalistic community to identify conflict sensitive journalism patterns and…
Read MoreThe Western Balkans Journalists’ Safety Index (Index) is a research-based tool designed to measure and monitor changes in the respective social and political environments of the…
Read MoreAsociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës në bashkëpunim me Misionin e OSBE-së në Kosovë, ka shënuar 3 Majin - Ditën Botërore të Lirisë së Shtypit me moton “Mbroni Gazetarët, Ruani të…
Read More"Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety ", represents the findings in regard to the situation of legislation and socio-economic, and political issues in…
Read MoreRekomandimet janë vendosur duke e përdorur një model marrëveshjeje të përgjithshme të zhvilluar nga SAVE. Procesi është udhëhequr nga SAVE dhe ka përfshirë ekspertë/e kombëtarë/e…
Read MoreThe Western Balkans’ Journalists’ Safety Index (WB-JSI) is a research-grounded tool designed to measure and monitor the changes in the respective social and political environments…
Read More"Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety ", represents the findings in regard to the situation of legislation and socio-economic, and political issues in…
Read MorePërfundimet dhe rekomandimet e nxjerra nga tryeza e diskutimit mbi mekanizmat specifik për financimin apo mbështetjen financiare të mediave private apo jo-fitimprurëse të cilat…
Read MoreRekomandimet e nxjerra nga tryeza “Mbrojtja ligjore e pluralizmit politik në media", mund t'i lexoni në formatin online të kësaj broshure, e cila është prodhuar me mbështetjen…
Read MoreThe Western Balkans’ Journalists’ Safety Index (WB-JSI) is a research-grounded tool designed to measure and monitor the changes in the respective social and political environments…
Read MoreUdhëzuesi për gazetarët për raportim mbi zbatimin e përgjegjshëm gjinor të standardeve për punë të dinjitetshme dhe siguri e shëndet në punëështë shkruar për t’i ndihmuar…
Read MoreThis research represents the findings set out in the fifth survey, conducted within the framework of the project “Regional Platform for the Western Balkans for the Promotion of…
Read MoreThis research represents the findings set out in the fourth survey, conducted within the framework of the project “Regional Platform for the Western Balkans for the Promotion of…
Read MoreThis report presents the findings of the third round of research conducted within the regional Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’…
Read MoreThis report is a continuation of the 2016 base-line assessment, which presented in greater detail the legislative situation and socio-economic and political issues related to…
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