
Attack toward RTV Dukagjini's team, North Mitrovica, 10.12.2022

An explosive went off near RTV Dukagjini’s team, tonight while journalist Doruntina Bylykbashi was reporting live from this area.

This marks the second attack in two days against the TV teams that are reporting from the north of Mitrovica. Therefore, AJK once again calls upon competent institutions to take measures to ensure the safety of journalists during their reporting.

Reporter Details Attack toward RTV Dukagjini's team, North Mitrovica, 10.12.2022
Case description An explosive went off near RTV Dukagjini’s team, tonight while journalist Doruntina Bylykbashi was reporting live from this area.
State Kosovo
Name and Surname Doruntina Bylykbashi
Gender Female
Date 10.12.2022
City Mitrovica Veriore
Type of Incident Actual attacks on journalists
From who To journalists by citizens
The Offender / Suspect
Type of media Radio and Television
Media Name RTV Dukagjini
Source RTV Dukagjini
Public Prosecutor
Judiciary Status
Legal Closure
Has the Journalist Association been notified? Yes
Has the incident been reported to the authorities?
Has the incident been reported to the XXX?
Associations Respond This marks the second attack in two days against the TV teams that are reporting from the north of Mitrovica. Therefore, AJK once again calls upon competent institutions to take measures to ensure the safety of journalists during their reporting.
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