
Threats against media outlets and organizations, Berat Buzhala, Peje, 05.03.2015

The local company “Devolli” carried an insulting campaign against journalist of Gazeta Express, Berat Buzhala after he published several articles related to above mentioned company. The portal has wrote about suspected wheat that the company was importing. Billboards across Kosovo portrayed a donkey with Buzhala’s family name in it.

State Kosovë
Name and Surname Berat Buzhala
Gender Mashkull
Date 05/03/2015 00:00
City Prishtinë
Type of Incident Diskriminim në bazë të
From who Në gazetarë nga qytetarët
The Offender / Suspect I Panjohur
Type of media Online
Media Name Gazeta Express
Source Gazetari
Public Prosecutor
Judiciary Ka filluar procedurë ligjore
Judiciary Status Kompania "Devolli", eshte denuar nga Gjykata Themelore e Pejes me 15 mije euro per fushaten lincuese te perdorur ndaj gazetarit Berat Buzhala
Legal Closure Kryerësi I veprës është dënuar, lloji I dënimit
Has the Journalist Association been notified? Po
Has the incident been reported to the authorities Po
A është raportuar incidenti në prokurori?
Associations Respond AJK required that Devoll Company as soon as possible to remove the poster and to apologize to journalist Buzhala.
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